-Treat all memmbers and guests with respect.

-All members must have an OOC account. The display name for your OOC account should be whatever you want to be called on the forum, in all uppercase letters.

-For every account that is registered, with the exception of OOC accounts, a character application must be posted within three days. The application does not have to be complete and can be posted as a writing in progress.

-Signitures should not exceed 500x300px.

-All icons should be 150x150px.

-Playbys are required for all characters. All playbys must be RL playbys.

-You may claim your playbys at any time, so long as your application has been posted.

-All character display names should include a first, middle and last name in all uppercase letters.

-While we have no limit on the ammount of characters you can have, we ask that you keep each of your characters active.

-If you have not been online in three weeks, and you have not left an away message or contacted us about your leave in some way, then your account will be marked as inactive and deleted during the next activity check. Your posts and applications will not be deleted, but will instead be moved to our archives, should you choose tocome back.

-There is to be no posting of sexually explicit material.


-No godmodding.

-Unless you have discussed it with your RP partner beforehand, powerplaying is not allowed.

-All IC posts should be a minimum of one hundred words.

-Where My Demons Hide is rated PG-13. That being said, explicit scenes featuring sexual content are not allowed. You can build up to a scene, but before things get out of hand, we ask that you fade to black.

-No RPing in the shoutbox.